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About Me

Hi 👋, I’m Noel, a Security Engineer working at a certain company. I enjoy building tools for convenience, and my dream is to create a popular and awesome hacker tool like Project Discovery, but there is still a long way.

I’m also a co-founder of the WeChat Official Account called MoreThanSec, where we publish awesome content. Every piece is made with passion and for educational purposes only. If you enjoy the content, you can buy us a coffee 🍺; your support is our motivation to continue creating great content.

嗨 👋,我是Noel,目前在某家公司担任安全工程师。我喜欢构建便捷的工具,我的梦想是编码一款像Project Discovery那样受欢迎且强大的黑客工具,但仍然还有很长的路要走。

我还是微信公众号不止Sec的联合创始人, 我们在那里发布很棒的内容。每一篇都是充满激情且仅出于教育目的制作。如果你喜欢我们的内容,可以请我们喝杯咖啡🍺;你的支持是我们继续创作优秀内容的动力。

coding dev illustration

I’m crazy about…


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